NEW! Yacon Syrup – Low GI, Pre-biotic rich, organic sweetener – 200ml


200ml LOW G.I., pre-biotic rich, organic sweetener.

Yacon Syrup, from Nutrition Farms at Stanthorpe, is a super concentrate where 3.3 kg of yacons (the Peruvian earth apple) are required to produce 200ml.


3 in stock (can be backordered)



We are so lucky to have “in our backyard” a rare Australian source of this delicious, multifunctional, organic sweetener. A teaspoon in your coffee, on your cereal or drizzled onto pancakes provides a sweet treat with none of the negatives.

Graeme Sait is well known in local and international regenerative farming circles from his work with Nutri-tech Solutions (and his Nutrition Matters blog / Nutrition Farming podcast) which supports the transition from ‘conventional’ to ‘biological’ agriculture for benefits to human and ecological health. Through his sister enterprises Nutrition Farms and NTS Health the team have developed this sweet, caramel-like syrup which contains up to 50% of the “powerhouse” prebiotic, fructooligosaccharides. Their literature states that this low GI sweetener has no effect on raising blood glucose levels, making it the perfect sugar substitute for pre-diabetics and those with Type 2 diabetes and anyone concerned with the impact of sweeteners on our health.

Here are six reasons to include Sweet Health in your diet:

1. The highest source of prebiotics – these are substances that boost beneficial gut organisms, which are now thought to be at least as important as probiotics. Yacons are considered among the most powerful prebiotic foods as they contain exceptional levels of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin.

2. A proven weight loss tool – these tasty treats are often called the “diet potato” due to their capacity to shut down the hunger hormone, ghrelin, thereby suppressing the appetite. In published research by Genta et al., it was shown that a daily intake of yacón syrup produced a significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index in a study involving overweight pre-menopausal women.

3. Helps counter constipation – yacons are packed with both soluble and insoluble fibre, so important for bowel health.

4. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides – the concentrate from this unique root vegetable helps restore lipid balance to avoid the health consequences associated with excesses of these fats.

5. Rich in protective antioxidants – yacon syrup is a concentrated source of polyphenols and flavonoids, including resveratrol and chlorogenic acid.

6. A concentrated source of Tryptophan – this supportive amino acid is the building block for both serotonin and melatonin. Tryptophan has outperformed antidepressants in some studies.

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